I try to make my research accessible to the general public. As an academic, and someone who has benefited from the generosity of the taxpayers, I believe that it is my obligation to give back to the community. One of the ways in which I do that is through public facing scholarship, through engagement with interested reporters and journalists, and through writing for the mass audiences. Here are some examples of my work in that domain, in both Polish and English, as well as publications that cite my work from all over the world.
- I wrote about misinformation for Inkstick media here.
- I wrote about the benefits of Academic Twitter and why its worth fighting for for Inside Higher Ed. Check it out.
- I wrote a lengthy piece for Foreign Policy with Jan Dutkiewicz about how the war in Ukraine is exposing a political "horseshoe" in the United States. Check it out.
- I spoke to Marty Lenz at KOA about media consumption patterns of Americans in light of January 6th hearings. Give it a listen.
- I wrote an opinion piece about pro-Russian elements in the modern GOP. Read it here.
- I talked to GRID news about American culture wars going international. Check it out.
- I talked to the Colorado Edition on Northern Colorado's NRP affiliate KUNC about misinformation. Give it a listen.
- I gave a lengthy interview to Dziennik Gazeta Prawna in Poland about Polish Americans. Check it out here.
- I was interviewed by KOA in Colorado about internet radicalization. Give it a listen.
- A public facing version of our research with Eric Merkley has been published by the Breakthrough Journal. Read it here.
- I shared thoughts on advocacy of scientists with the Behavioral Scientist. You can read it here.
- I gave an extensive interview to Gazeta Wyborcza on my work on political polarization in the US "Komuniści, głupki, złodzieje. Jak polaryzacja niszczy USA."
- My work was mentioned in NBC News story "Critical race theory battle invades school boards — with help from conservative groups"
- We wrote about lessons from our research with Matt Levendusky for the USA Today. It was the Top 10 opinion piece in the USA Today that week.
- My commentary on the Democratic presidential primaries has been published (in Polish) in Kultura Liberalna. Check it out here.
- I wrote about Donald Trump trying to secure the support of Polish-Americans in 2020 for the Monkey Cage over at The Washington Post. You can check it out here.
- My new opinion editorial for the Philadelphia Inquirer argues that the consequences of politicizing vaccines would be disastrous for public health. Check it out here.
- I recently wrote a short opinion piece for Policy Options about the need for Canadian policymakers to consider making childhood vaccinations mandatory. You can read the article here.
- My new paper, with Eric Merkley, is out in the journal Frontiers in Communication. It explores how climate change was framed in the news media over the past quarter century and how that matters. You can find the article here.
- I'm thrilled to announce that I have been awarded one of the Junior Researcher Grants from Prolific. You can see the announcement here. I'm very excited about this opportunity and thrilled for their support.
- Together with my fellow APPC postdocs Matt Motta and Kathryn Haglin, we wrote a brief piece about the difficulty with countering misinformation surrounding vaccines. You can find it on The Conversation here. It was republished in the Neiman Lab and Philly Voice, among others. It was also translated into Spanish.
- Columbia Journalism Review published an article written by a former student of mine, Rachel Garrett, and myself, on the issue of subtle sexism in news coverage and it's consequences. It is available here.
- I recently wrote a short article responding to a Media Matters report that was making rounds on the web. The article is based on my dissertation research and outlines the academic debates about media bias. It was published in The Conversation.
- Part of my dissertation research deals with the polarization of climate change attitudes and the role of the media in the process, on which I have been working on with Eric Merkley. Here is a short article we published on The Conversation, which was republished in Newsweek, Real Clear Science, Salon, and The National Post.
- My latest research appeared in the Monkey Cage over at the Washington Post, dealing with the difficulty people have in distinguishing real from fake news. Check it out here. I also wrote it up for The Conversation, highlighting the implications for Canada. It has been recently republished in University Affairs and J Source.
- I had a pleasure of chatting with Terry Moore of CFAX radio in Victoria, BC about Donald Trump's battles with the media. You can listen to the segment here.
- I've been asked to do some commentary for the CBC Radio (starts at 1h30 min mark), Roundhouse Radio, News 1130 (all Vancouver) as well as Global TV on the recent presidential election in the US and the aftermath. I've also commented on the Polish American vote in this election for Gazeta Wyborcza in Poland.
- My recent co-authored article on the Monkey Cage over at the Washington Post deals with the scary consequences of the media politicizing the vaccine issue. You can find it here. Mother Jones covered the article here.
- Check out a new article on determinants of success of women's soccer team over at the Washington Post. The article also provided a basis for a column in the New York Daily News.